Prepare for Your Search

There is no single way to find a job or internship. Your search will be unique to you and your goals. The Career Center is here to partner with you on your way to finding a meaningful career. The resources on the following pages will help you launch your job or internship search, prepare your application materials, interview, and evaluate offers. 

Launch Your Search

Be Career Ready

Prepare to Apply


Put your best foot forward with a concise summation of your skills, education, goals, and experience.

Cover Letters

Introduce yourself to a potential employer while demonstrating your communication skills and professionalism.

Your Online Presence

A carefully crafted LinkedIn profile can help you establish connections and explore companies and industries.


Put yourself out there by setting up informational interviews or talking with acquaintances about your career goals.


Whether it's in person or by phone, brushing up on interview etiquette will help you make a great impression.

Evaluating an Offer and Salary Negotiation

Learn how to evaluate a job offer and negotiate for the salary you deserve.

From the Career Center Blog
How to be Successful in Your New Role  Link to article
Congratulations!  You landed a new job and now your first day of work is officially here. It’s exciting and a
April 16, 2024
Why Would Anyone Ever Want to Run A Marathon?  Link to article
30,000 runners will cruise by Boston College tomorrow in pursuit of the Boston Marathon finish line. You might be asking
April 08, 2024
Student Internship Stories: Steven Roche, MCAS ’25 – University of Oxford  Link to article
How did you find your internship? In preparation for the coming summer, I was looking for interesting projects that applied
April 02, 2024